You don’t need another website — нow to understand that you don’t need one more website in internet marketing. A practical rule: don’t create additional websites unless there is a real necessity for it. From experience, I can say that both large and small companies often get carried away and start building numerous standalone websites.
You Don’t Need Another Website
In most cases, standalone websites make no sense and only lead to additional challenges and expenses. These include:
- Maintenance costs: Multiple CMS platforms, hosting services, content management, domain names, SSL certificates, and so on.
- Marketing complications: SEO and online advertising become harder to implement effectively.
Even though some of these might seem like minor issues, they still require extra resources.
Focus on Consolidation
That’s why I always recommend questioning every attempt to create a separate website. When it comes to business, the reasoning is usually straightforward.
For example, imagine a website for an online store selling musical instruments. Alongside it, there’s a music school and a repair workshop. There’s no need to separate these three areas into three different websites. It’s better to create a single site with three main sections:
- Music Store
- Music School
- Musical Instrument Repair
This makes the site easier to manage and promote while providing search engines with a wealth of valuable content.
How to Decide If You Need Another Website
Exceptions Exist
There are exceptions when a standalone website is justified. For instance:
- If two different business areas operate under separate legal entities with independent teams, budgets, and processes.
- When it’s impossible to merge very complex or large-scale projects, such as a marketplace and a social network. However, these cases are rare.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Why shouldn’t you create another standalone website?
Creating an additional website often leads to higher maintenance costs, marketing complications, and increased management time. Instead, it’s better to consolidate everything under one site to save resources and simplify promotion.
What are the challenges of having multiple websites?
The main challenges include extra expenses for hosting, domains, SSL certificates, CMS maintenance, and more complex SEO and advertising efforts. Managing multiple websites requires significantly more time and money.
When is it justified to create a separate website?
A standalone website is justified if two business areas operate as independent legal entities or if the projects are too complex or large-scale to merge, such as a marketplace and a social network. However, these cases are rare.
In most cases, when someone suggests creating a separate website for something that could live on the main site, it’s better not to do it. Save your resources and focus on optimizing your existing online presence.