Tags or labels are relatives of the all-too-familiar social media hashtags. Tag cloud used to be very standard on the internet, like a sitemap or a guestbook. Now this element, in my opinion, is practically dead in the usual format and it is rather a relic of the past.
But I’ll leave it here for the sake of bright memory and generational connection.
Accessories AI Atmospheric B2B Bonsai Breaks Chillstep Cloudland Covers Deerror Digital Digital Art Education Humidifier Identity Internet marketing Logo Metal Mijia MISOU Poster Programming Remix SEO SMM Sociology Tiku Tiku Digital Trends Unboxing Vocal Watch Wavesurfer Web design Web development Web layout Website WordPress Xiaomi
The font size of the tag shows how many entries with this tag are in my blog. Accordingly, the larger the tag’s font size, the more entries there are.
And those tags that have a very small font size are rarely used for publications in my blog.
Check out my portfolio
I do graphic and web design, develop websites, identity, logos, posters and business cards. I also have extensive experience in implementing digital marketing projects.
Modified: 28 November 2024