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Avocado Seed Bonsai is the first installment in a series of look at me — I’m a fun nerd.
And this time I’m talking about my experience of growing bonsai from the seed of the most common avocado, which I bought at supermarket at a discount.
Everything you need for bonsai you can buy on AliExpress.
A simple 10-step instruction on how to make an avocado bonsai
- Buy avocados in supermarket;
- Eat avocado (you can make it like mashed potatoes on toast with a poached egg);
- Take a bone, wash it, clean it, cut it vertically;
- Put the finished bone in a glass of water (after inserting 3 – 4 toothpicks) so that the bone is about 1⁄3 into the water;
- Leave this construction for a month, periodically changing the water, in the process a thick white root will grow from the bottom of the stone (about 5 – 8 cm) and the stone will break a little;
- As soon as a small sprout appears from above, we take a bone and transplant it into a pot with earth, so that the stone is immersed in the ground by about 1⁄3;
- Then water 1 – 2 times a week and wait;
- Thin and flexible stems will begin to appear quickly enough, and when they are already of sufficient length, but still flexible enough, we buy wire and bend the stems, fixing them with wire.
- As the stems grow, rot them more.
- If the leaves dry around the edges, we cut off these dried places so as to preserve the entire leaf as a whole.
What happens in the end — see the video.

Drop in the comments what you got!
I will periodically share my progress.
Let me take my leave then.
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More interesting in my blog.
AvocadoBonsai #Bonsai #Botany