Tiku Music Covers — since 2022, I started writing music solo, and not just as part of the Deerror group. Each release requires cover art for placement on streaming services.
Task. Make covers for digital music releases.

As with DJ mix covers, I decided to stick with a template. The limitation in the form of a template makes the task of creating a new cover quite interesting and non-standard.

The cover template consists of a large logo that takes up most of the cover. The text part of the cover template is made in the form of a single line of text. The text blocks are separated by wide indents, and the font size is small enough to create a good contrast with the graphic part.

Remix covers are also created using a template and by changing the color palette of the original cover. In addition to changing the color scheme of the original cover, it is also possible to select an alternative image, but in a single semantic concept with the original cover.