Cloudland party Logo — I made the logo and posters for the Cloudland outdoor party.
Task. Make an outdoor party logo.

Cloudland is an open-air party that takes place annually (but under different names) in the city of Dedovsk. The organizers are my good friends and enthusiasts.
In 2014, I created a mini branding and logo for this party with lots of interesting details.

I designed several versions of the logo, there are versions for dark and light backgrounds. As well as black and white versions of the logo for placement on a fare card and cheaper printing.

For the Cloudland festival I also made two versions of the poster. The party took place both at night and during the day, so there is a day poster and a night poster. They differ in the background — it’s a day or night sky respectively.
As a bonus, I also recorded a DJ compilation based on my impressions of the party. I also made a simple but elegant sticker layout.